We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
A Beginner’s Mind
Shunryu Suzuki said, “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.”
As soon as we think we know it all the door to new possibilities slams shut. We should wake up each morning with a beginner’s mind, and be amazed at all the possibilities that show up for us!
“The cause of conflict is some fixed idea or one-sided idea.”
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, Shunryu Suzuki
Many times when I’m reading I’ll come across a passage that really resonates with me and I’ll tell myself that’s something I probably need to write about at a later date. This particular passage from Shunryu Suzuki gave me that exact feeling. So that was my plan, I’d mention it later, in maybe a day or two, or maybe in a month. About an hour later I found myself on Social Media just “flippin” through, and came across a video of a lady talking about how we don’t “come to the table” anymore because we’re all so sure we’re right. So, two knocks on the door means open it!
Isn’t this so simple and so very true? Many of us are so sure we are right that we seldom entertain the idea that we may be wrong. So, even though we have discussions with others regarding our opposing positions we generally have no intention of….not being right. This dynamic doesn’t normally provide for a positive outcome. Conflict occurs, people get mad, and things go south from there. Can we actually have a mindset that says “I’m not always right”, or “there might be another way”……Yes we can.
Accept Yourself
If you want to become whole, let yourself be partial.
If you want to become straight, let yourself be crooked.
If you want to become full, let yourself be empty.
If you want to be reborn, let yourself die.
If you want to be given everything, give everything up.
Chapter 22 Tao Te Ching, Stephen Mitchell
Let’s all just try something simple today. No matter what occurs in your world today, let our response to it be:
“Thanks for everything, I have no complaint whatsoever”