
I have only in my heart

The knowing of what is not whole, and that it should be so

My angst is that I cannot speak it with clarity

I must find peace in that knowing

-B. Elliott

These words came to me as I was attempting to describe my struggle with the views and theologies of much of western Christianity today, and in truth, the view of western Christianity for hundreds of years now. It troubles me that we have not embraced the all loving grace of our Creator for his whole creation, and that because of this error our world remains unhealed. I see how we have actually created a God that is really a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” and I find it sad. I would ask you to ponder it from time to time. We present God to ourselves, our children, and the unchurched initially as an “all loving Father” figure. Yet, we also hold to the belief that if you don’t follow all the rules, which are of course different for every denomination, he will invoke his wrath and pass a judgement of eternal torment upon you. Friends, God is either all loving or he is not. There is no in between, there is not two sides to God, he is one. So be honest with yourself about that, and sit with it for a while. It troubles me even more that our religious institutions have been at the core of this distortion of what “God” is all about. We have turned the simple love of God into something only the human ego could make so complex.

“Complexity is not of God. How could it be, when all He knows is One? He knows one creation, one reality, one truth, and but one Son. Nothing conflicts with oneness. How, then, could there be complexity in Him? What is there to decide? For it is conflict that makes choice [complex]. The truth is simple- it is one, without opposite. And how could strife enter in its simple presence and bring complexity where oneness is? The truth makes no decisions, for there is nothing to decide between. And only if there were could choosing be a necessary step in the advance toward oneness. What is everything leaves room for nothing else.”

-A Course in Miracles

So what then does this “oneness” mean? From the outset it means that there is not two (or three, or four, etc.), in the Kingdom. It would then follow that because there is not two, then there can be no winner or loser, no either/or, and ultimately there is no separation in the eyes of Being. These are attributes of creation and God we have added, the results of which are easy to see in our world today.

“What God calls one will be forever one, not separate. His kingdom is united-thus it was created, and thus will it ever be”

-A Course in Miracles

In the beginning was only Being; One without a second. Out of himself he brought forth the cosmos and entered into everything in it. There is nothing that does not come from him. Of everything he is the inmost Self.

Chandogya Upanishad, Chapter 6, 2:2-3

You see, when we embrace the fact that all of creation is one, we realize that things like attack on another is an attack on our ourselves, and ultimately an attack on our gracious loving Creator. We realize that as one we are all winners, all given the same gift from God, which was the gift of himself. I don’t believe you can find true peace and healing until you embrace the “oneness” of God. Until that time you will always find yourself in battle and conflict, unsettled with creation. Our purpose here is really quite simple in its essence. We are here to know we are all one with God and to share that same truth to all of our brothers and sisters. What follows is the Kingdom.  

“In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you”

John 14:20